Joseph Bowden és fia hosszú ideje 140 hektáros földterületen gazdálkodott az Eastacombe-i farmjukon Heatonban, Barnstaple közelében Észak Devonban. Gabonaféléket, répát, olajosmagvakat és lenmagvakat termeltek részben saját, ...
Tomorrow at Eastacombe (my Dad's home) we are going to hold a big party. I don't really know why! I've just been helping my Dad cut up the fudge and arrange it. The party starts at noon and we're having nice nibbles and homemade canopes ...
Three chapels had sprung up in the neighbourhood, at bEastacombe/b, Hiscott and Lovacott. At that time they had Baptist connections, but today they are Brethren assemblies. It is noteworthy that Mr. Charles Shepherd, who took a considerable share in the work of ... Here the Wreys, a distinguished family with an ancient baronetcy, have a beautiful bestate/b. The antique church, nestling beneath Tawstock Court, is full of well-preserved monuments to the ancestors of the Wreys. ...